Take Control of Your Life by Taking the First Step

I promise I am right there with you. This used to be my a.m. carpool routine to get to work. I'm still a work in progress, but it's getting better.

Helping others become the best versions of themselves for more freedom and tomorrows with loved ones.
Dear fellow mom,
Are you struggling with the daily juggle of keeping all of the balls in the air and keeping it together? Are you ready to turn this daily struggle into your best life?
It’s exhausting keeping it all together! Do you wake up each morning overwhelmed by what the day has ahead? Do you wonder how the life you’re living looks nothing like the one you imagined and worked so hard to achieve?
Do you notice that your daily thoughts revolve around wondering how to ever fit it all together with the never ending to do list and the leftover to do items from last week so that the sacrifices you make can turn into enjoying:
* Quality time with your partner or spouse and appreciating him
* Being the mom that enjoys quality time with your kids again and can be at peace with what mommy to do items are checked off (and which ones aren’t)
* Being the organized woman you used to be pre children
* Having your finances in order so when it’s time to do your budget, you no longer feel an anxiety attack coming on
* And most importantly, being able to take care of yourself and having more energy, so that you can juggle the many hats you wear as a mom
My name is Tracy and I am a Certified Health and Wellness Coach, here to help you. I have been in your shoes and I am here to help you design the life you imagined when you became a mom, restore order and organization, but most importantly to help you focus on the two biggest areas that impact everything else: your finances and your health & wellness.

Sometimes, as a parent, fitting in the foundational stuff seems hard, but keep in mind, they are always watching and learning from what you do.